For your FREE printable weekly planner, keep reading.
For people with anxiety and stress, it is extremely helpful to be aware of what is going on, and know what is expected of you so that you can adequately prepare for it. When the world is absolute chaos, it helps to see things in a linear format. It settles down the mind and makes life seem more reasonable. We cannot control everything, but if we can control some things, it can be calming. It’s nice to feel like our life is in order, and that we know what’s what.
We all have days where we are completely unfocused and don’t know where to start. I have lost an entire afternoon doing research, completely forgetting that I have tasks that must be accomplished today. Then I lose sleep because of my inefficiency. A detailed list forces us to just get started, and points out what is essential – even when we are under-caffeinated, stressed, or just feeling out of place today.
Having a daily list keeps us on track. If we have to move something to a different day, that isn’t a failure, it is recalibrating. We’re going with the flow. But things must stay on the list until completed or you have decided that they aren’t worth doing.
The best way to start planning a great week is to actually take ten minutes to sit down and plan your week. If your activities float around in an amorphous blob, the lava lamp will keep shifting – suddenly it’s Friday and you didn’t get anything done. It’s better to front load your week, so that you get many tasks done Monday through Wednesday. Then if emergencies happen, you still have a few days to catch up – even if it is catching up on exercise and reading.
I have created a weekly planning sheet that should make it easy to see each day in a logical layout. If you have been struggling to stay on top of your tasks, try this system for two weeks and see if it helps you. People accuse me of being anal retentive, totally “Type A”, then they turn around and comment on how productive I am. So make all of the jokes you like, just try it!
Simply write in the date at the top of each square. Each day, try to plan three goals for yourself. You can jot down any appointments or reminders right beside them, which can help you juggle your energy. The checkmarks are reminders of tiny things to stay ahead of throughout the day. Whether it is five minutes of stretching or an hour of dancing, you can manage a tiny bit of daily exercise. We all need to drink more water, just make the effort. We can take a few moments to read something interesting, and send a few texts or messages to connect with friends we haven’t spoken to lately. A token amount of housework (5 minutes minimum) every day keeps our homes from getting out of control. And we must also take a meager amount of time for ourselves – a hot bath, a beauty routine, or turning off the TV to go to bed a bit early.
Plan Your Great Week Worksheet
For your FREE printable weekly planner, just sign up for the email list, and you’ll receive a PDF – print as many as you need.
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