Good News – Peace & Beauty – Coffee Break Links Mar26

The weather has been teasing us with a fake promise of spring, but the cold grey muck is certain to descend again soon. This week, let’s take a look at some links that are purely beautiful, fascinating, and peaceful. Think of it as a five minute vacation from your world! Perhaps do some deep breathing while you check these out.


This collection of photos is simply exquisite – dreamy, futuristic, cinematic, and thoughtful.

Another Glass Box is a new weekly roundup of Toronto architecture and urban design news:

Here is a wonderful post about Shifting Perspective on the Creative Process. Poetic and personal, this piece covers creating with intention and applying the basics of essay writing to creative writing:

My friend shot a drone video flying over frozen ponds near Palgrave Ontario. It’s so smooth and tranquil – just amazing!

Turn your volume down a little, this one is a bit loud. Mesmerizing paint pour technique, with incredible colours:


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