Good News – Peace & Beauty – Coffee Break Links Mar26

The weather has been teasing us with a fake promise of spring, but the cold grey muck is certain to descend again soon. This week, let’s take a look at some links that are purely beautiful, fascinating, and peaceful. Think of it as a five minute vacation from your world! Perhaps do some deep breathing while you check these out.

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It is always okay to ask for help

It is always okay to ask for help. No matter what your current circumstances, if you need it, please ask for help, or go get it.



I recently read an article about a very famous singer who had a terrible altercation with someone at a red carpet event. She was extremely upset, and realized that she craved a drink. She left the event as soon as she could, and went to a group meeting. Continue reading “It is always okay to ask for help”

Good News – Health & Wellness Coffee Break Links – March 5

Today’s links are all about Health and Wellness. It’s too easy to fall into bad habits and malaise in the darkest days of winter, with spring still months away. Don’t give in to the dark side – especially if you suffer from anxiety, stress, and depression. Even if you don’t, most of us could use a health tune up this month.



Continue reading “Good News – Health & Wellness Coffee Break Links – March 5”