Tea Break Links – Oct 24

Science, Technology, Health & Wellness – Interesting Ideas and Toronto News

30 years ago, Andy Warhol sent a double to two appearances in Oregon. “Art” or punking them?

In case you’re the type that needs a Harvard Medical Study to proclaim walking is truly good for you:

Scientists are discovering age-related elements and systems. If certain protein levels are increased, some creatures age more slowly.

I hold grudges forever. Please remind me to read this article 37 times.

If you’re loving Star Trek Discovery, you should know that Planet Vulcan was Toronto’s gorgeous Aga Khan Museum:

Does moving to Toronto help your band? Opinions vary, but I’m certainly glad that my band High Heels Lo Fi is already based here!

I’ve always found food first thing in the morning to be unnatural. Evidence that those of us who dislike breakfast might not be wrong:



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