After the Valentine’s Love Fest

Everyone thinks of romantic love on Valentine’s Day, but why not take a few minutes to explore all of the different kinds of love we have in this world?

There can be a letdown after Valentine’s Day, but there doesn’t have to be. Whether or not you have a romantic partner, it’s better if the amount of love in your life is spread over many areas. Don’t let the fake chocolate and roses holiday be the only occasion to examine the love in all areas of your world.

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5 Ways to Get Goals Back on Track

If your New Year’s Resolutions have already slipped from your daily activities, keep reading. There are always ways to get goals back on track.



How did we do with our New Year’s “Revolutions”? Did we work on them every day? Did we forget? Did something happen to knock us off course?

We all run into obstacles. Life takes weird turns. We get the stomach flu, a huge project gets dumped on us, files corrupt and five hours of work has to be redone. It’s always messy. But we pick ourselves up and start fresh every day. Sure, our goals might get derailed for a few days while we catch up. But then we grab that do list and start again. Continue reading “5 Ways to Get Goals Back on Track”

I have a secret ‒ I was terrified to publish my new book

Why do we feel that we have to hide our anxiety? Why do we feel that we have to pretend that we are okay all of the time? Why do we feel like we have to keep this a secret, and not share our feelings? People will understand or not, but it is time that we got things out into the open.

I have a secret ‒ I was completely anxious about writing and publishing my book.


Over a year ago, I had what I thought was a great idea for a self-help book. I started working on it, and got a good piece of it written while on an art retreat. I thought that I would publish it in September 2017. Continue reading “I have a secret ‒ I was terrified to publish my new book”

Panic Attacks & Chest Pains – Surviving Anxiety

Personal Stories of Overcoming Fear i-have-a-secret-panic-attacks-chest-pains

It happened again the other day, and the week before that. Crushing chest pains that cause a complete shock to my system, and pain that is almost unbearable. Panic attacks and chest pains are sudden, vicious things.

But I deal with it, because I’m used to this. Is truly amazing what human beings can get used to,  when they have to. Continue reading “Panic Attacks & Chest Pains – Surviving Anxiety”

New Year as a Catalyst for Change

New calendars, new schedules, new environments, new phases – these can all be signals that we need a change in our lives. Why not use the New Year as a catalyst for change?


In order to change anything about yourself, you first need to understand why you want to alter the way things are. What do you need? Does something just need improvement? Does something need to be done a completely different way to avoid a problem? Can things be more efficient? Is there a mental block that has bothered you and it is finally time to work through it?  Analyzing why you want to make a change will help you in your process.

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Good News – Interesting, Happy Coffee Break Links – Jan 3

With the New Year just a few days past, today’s focus will be goal setting and planning. Whether are you are making a formal resolutions or just setting your intentions for 2018, the most important thing is to write it down. Studies have shown that things are at least 30% more likely to be accomplished if they are written down by hand.

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2018 – New Year’s Revolutions

When we were very small, my youngest sister once babbled something about “New Year’s Revolutions”.  It was one of the most brilliant toddler errors I have ever heard, and I am  extremely grateful that I remember that.

While many people vow to lose ten pounds, declutter their garage, or read a book each month, I think it’s time to stop making average resolutions and small goals. I think it’s time to get fired up. I think we should use New Year’s 2018 as a catalyst for great change.

This is the year to Kick Anxiety’s Ass.
Are you in?

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How to Avoid Negative People – Self Care



Sometimes we need to stop being so darn Canadian, and be more aggressive as we avoid negative people. We are under no obligation to be overly polite to people we don’t like and don’t get along with. It’s hard wanting to be nice, even when people are toxic and you know you need to get away from them for your own good. And yet, the thought of them being offended stops us from acting.

One of the things that anxious people are often anxious about is being well-liked, and being appropriate in every situation. That is a nice sentiment, but there are times when you really need to put yourself first. If you’re getting nothing positive out of the relationship, let it go.

The more we filter nastiness out of our world, the better. Anxious people already have enough to deal with just getting through the day.

Continue reading “How to Avoid Negative People – Self Care”